The Power of Praise

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Many years ago when we were still at the sheep pen, I remember Missionary John leading us in prayer struggle. One day he said something I could never forget. “There are three pillars to Christian life – Prayer, Praise, and the word of God.”

At that time, he was trying to help us build the pillar of prayer. Through weekly 1:1 bible study struggle, testimony writing, and our own personal Bible study times, we have a continuous opportunity to build up the pillar of the word of God. Yet, as the years went by, I wondered, “What about Praise?” In what way is praise a pillar of my Christian life?

How does God want me to praise him? In the past, I had been part of the praise and worship team which I really enjoyed especially after being born again. But since then, I have not really praised or worshiped God in that way in a long time. Maybe in prayer there would be times when I would offer praise to God, but it would not be anything like it was in the book of Psalms. The Psalmist would praise God for everything!! They praised God in sorrow and in joy! And their praise came in the form of songs!!

Why is this a pillar for my Christian life? What does this mean? As far as I understood, I felt that praise was for God – it was not about me. But in what way was it a pillar for me?? I always wondered this throughout the years.

However, I recall two instances where I experienced power in praising God, especially in song form. In both instances, I was wrestling with so much fatalism, hopelessness and defeat as I struggled in my waywardness and my sin. My mind was flooded with fears and doubts about God’s goodness. However, one day in my car as I sang, “I’ll raise a Hallelujah!” the extended live version, the worship leader encouraged everyone to raise a banner of praise! A song! A loud hallelujah to the Lord, saying, “When you sing, enemies flee!” As I struggled to praise God with all my heart, I found that it was a literal battle against all the hopelessness and doubt in my heart. The louder I sang to the Lord, the more wholeheartedly I praised the Lord, and it was like all of that junk and funk in my heart was literally GOING away! Then what filled my heart now was real praise! Now there was a new resolve – to fix my eyes on God. It gave me a new focus.

Another time I was in my car, entertaining all kinds of fears and doubts about God’s future plans for me. However, as I sang “King of My Heart,” the extended live worship version (What is with these extended live worship versions in my car?), I found myself fighting against the doubt in my heart – it literally went away as I kept singing out loud, wholeheartedly, “YOU ARE GOOD! GOOD! OHH!!!!” As I sang this out loud, tears began to flow from my eyes and I felt an instant release from my doubt and now I could really believe and accept that God was good. Nothing had changed practically, but somehow in crying out and praising and singing this to God, my heart changed.

There is still much for me to learn, but from these instances, it seemed that singing wholeheartedly helped me to literally drive out all these lies from my heart and replace it with truth. And it would change my spirit and attitude instantly. It would help me recenter and refocus on Jesus and go on with confidence. It seems like there is real power in praising God!

Since implementing the worship team now at church,  I knew that I did not want to just sing well. But I needed to be in the spirit of worship continuously so that when it came to singing the songs, just worship and praise can come out. As we worship God in Spirit through even these songs, I am finding that God is empowering me even more against all the doubt, the lies, the fatalism, that the enemy tries to keep me suppressed by. But praise gives me a powerful fighting spirit and attitude! It helps me to seek God’s words more wholeheartedly! It makes me want to live a powerful overcoming life! It makes me want to really fight the spiritual battle in prayer!  As I pour out even in song, it makes me want to pour out in life.

I am so thankful that God has brought this to our church. I pray that God may help me to continue to learn and cultivate the spirit and power of praise, and that through giving God praise and glory it does something really drastic in the spiritual atmosphere and brings forth the power of God in our lives!

Discussion: What are your experiences with Praise?

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August 25, 2024 7:44 pm

It’s truly inspiring to witness genuine worshippers guiding congregational worship with such dedication. Having been part of a worship team for many years before joining Shepherds Church, I deeply understand both the blessings and the challenges that come with it. Praising God not only enriches our spirit but also fortifies our commitment to follow through with obedience. May God richly bless and amplify this ministry’s impact, fostering spiritual growth and unity within the church.

August 25, 2024 9:15 pm

I totally understand the part where you said that praise time was like war time. In my experience with praise, I can sense a spiritual battle going on – something preventing me from coming to a place where my heart is really open to God. But raising my arms helps me to break through the spiritual barrier and I enter into the heart of worship. Sometimes I don’t want to raise my arms because of insecurity or image consciousness, but when I raise my arms it’s like I’m saying, “Amen! These lyrics are really true!” Then I sob tears of praise and I really love my God. May God help us each to build up our pillar of praise.

August 25, 2024 11:04 pm

Wow, that is really wonderful! Praise is really so good and great. I know that there are countless songs we have sung and that I have rocked out to lol.

But there were songs that really touched my heart and helped me to offer real praise.

Recently as I was going through some struggle and felt dejected, I was in my car and the song “Praise” by Brandon lake came to my mind and I played it. Just even the opening lyrics touched me, “sometimes you’ve gotta dance through the darkness, sing through the fire, Praise when it don’t make sense… Sometimes you’ve gotta welcome the wonder. Wait for the answer. Worship with your hands in the air. I’ll praise you anywhere. ”
I could see that I needed to be determined to believe and trust in God’s goodness even when things do not make sense. Instead of offering God my doubt and complaint, I would offer him praise. It was a very touching moment between me and God in the car. ( It seems like for shepherds our cars become our common place of worship 😃.)
well anyway through the praise and worship I have come to sense God’s Spirit as all of us offer such sincere praise to God. Many times I had tears and was greatly touched. Iam thankful for it.

Reply to  Jsheep
August 25, 2024 11:14 pm

Haha I also noticed that our cars seem to be a really common place for us all to worship God and be especially touched by a song – same for me! Maybe because it’s a quiet place where no one else is around, and it’s really just a moment between us and God. They’re like little mobile churches lol xD

August 26, 2024 10:09 am

“…seemed that singing wholeheartedly helped me to literally drive out all these lies from my heart and replace it with truth..”

AMEN! I was reminded, just singing and praising does nothing for me IF I continue to occupy the “lies” in my heart. Lies like God is not working or God doesn’t care about me. It is truly a matter of singing and praising with my WHOLE heart. Really believing and coming into agreement with the truth behind the lyrics. I’m reminded Jesus did not hold back from me, so why should I hold back from Him (even in regards to praise and thanks).

It is so true… praising Jesus with all my heart (even with my broken singing skills), it changes my attitude, my ill-feelings… and even sometimes my situation!

My experiences with praise/thanks:

I remember I had a flat tire before a Bible Study, I wanted to give into complaints. But instead, I chose to praise God, “Thank you for the flat tire” (LOL)… and amazingly, after Bible Study, my dad fixed my tire right away, so I did not have to worry about it.

Another time, in filing my taxes, it says, I owed a thousand dollars or more. I was shocked, I checked everything twice… I wanted to give into stress, but instead, I chose to praise God in all circumstances, “Praise God that I owe taxes!!” after refreshing the next page, there was an immediate correction, instead of owing, I was getting a tax refund.

When I suffered from a lot of demon problems, I was encouraged to commit to Daily Bread and praising God even in midst of my situation. I realized how a complaining, fearful and unbelieving environment in my heart only attracts the enemy and demons… but instead, I want to create a very different environment in me, a spirit of worship, only attracting and welcoming the Holy Spirit!

Although my situation doesn’t always change after praising God, I learned God is more interested in changing me first before changing my situation. I thank Jesus for that important lesson.

Thank you for sharing ❤️‍🔥

Reply to  TheCryingProphet
August 26, 2024 3:44 pm

Whoaaa – “God is more interested in changing me first before changing my situation.” That’s profound and so encouraging to realize!

August 26, 2024 1:04 pm

I feel so privileged to be a part of the worship team, and I got so many great songs from all of you. My car has been a prayer house, now it becomes a praise house. Praise the Lord!