God’s Command Leads Me To Washing Dishes???

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Around 2010-2011, I lived in Leo’s Common Life. At one point, I was struggling with some personal sins. I can sense that my spirit was not so good and Missionary John noticed it. So, after sharing my testimony in the group with other brothers, he suggested that I should serve my brothers at the Common Life. He gave me an example of washing the dishes. At that time, we were studying John 14, and verse 21 struck me: “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” So, I just nodded my head to his suggestion, but in my mind, I was not eager to obey that direction, nor did I intend to really do it.

When I came home that night from Bible study, the brothers were asleep and I saw there were dishes in the sink. I wondered why no one did them, and had no intention to wash them because I was tired and did not want to do it. But, as I was about to leave the kitchen, I was battling with myself about it. Or perhaps the Holy Spirit was wrestling with me to do them. So, I went to the sink and began to wash the dishes.

As I washed the dishes, I began to think about Jesus. I came to see that Jesus wanted to do this for me. He wanted to scrub and wash me of my sins. I could see that this is what Jesus wanted to do for others as well. Sometimes we leave or ignore the sin and it just piles up, but Jesus was like a servant, willing to come and remove all the nasty sins so that we could be clean again. I was touched by Jesus’ humility. Who would have thought that washing dishes would lead me to Jesus? Then somehow in that moment, I came to experience Jesus in a supernatural way. That dark veil over me was removed and God’s light shone on me.

Then it occurred to me that I could find God in other ways. So, I began to be more active around the house such as sweeping the floor, making one brother’s bed for them, and folding up another’s clothes. In each thing I came to find something about God in such mundane activities. And of course, the brothers liked the new Sam. I felt like God was leading me into fellowship with the Trinity God. I began to sense God’s love in a more real way. It felt like I was swimming in his love, a love that was very deep without end. It was so real that all I could do was cry uncontrollably. As I enjoyed more fellowship with Jesus, and produced many tears, I felt really clean and overjoyed.

I remember while we were getting food before the Friday testimony meeting, one senior brother told me, “It looks like you are shining.” Also, when Missionary John saw me, he later called me and wanted to know what happened. But I told him that I wrote it in my testimony and would share it at that time. He agreed to wait. Then when I shared it, Missionary John said afterward, “Sam is in the fellowship with God now.” It was like he could see it and I was happy.

After this, my perspective of God’s servant and of my brothers in the common in life changed. I felt like Jacob who saw his brother Esau after wrestling with God throughout the night, saying, “For to see your face is like seeing the face of God.” To me they were great, and I should serve them just as Jesus served me. My way of thinking no longer produced that bad odor but a fragrant smell.

On the outside, it seemed like the key to having deep fellowship with God was to wash dishes, but in reality, the key was actually to obey the command God gives me. I realized that God’s command leads to his love. It was a very profound moment for me and I am thankful to God and his servant for that wonderful experience.

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February 22, 2023 5:03 pm

Wow, this is such a heartfelt, moving testimony and I am not lying I was in tears when I read this so I had to hang up the phone LOL. About two-three weeks ago, I casually made a comment about physically washing the dishes to another disciple for no reason because he stated that, he is not burdened by the new added responsibilities of being a parent and I said, just like with real love, “you can wash dishes without feeling burdened at all, and all the above.”

Outwardly it seems like washing dishes has nothing to do with spirituality but I started to notice the difference. When my heart is burdened then I am focused on myself, or gratifying my own needs of the flesh and not doing so well spiritually but when I meditate on Jesus’s love, then my heart is filled with peace when I wash the dishes because of the reminder of Jesus’s love for sinners. His commands do lead to eternal life, and getting to know Jesus very personally.

In the world, we are often disappointed because people cut others out of their lives to self-protect, or are easily adversed by other’s obvious smelly feet, but how beautiful that our Immanuel God desires to have fellowship with sinners, and to wash away our dirty smelly parts, loving us unconditionally and willing to point them out so that we can be restored to who we are truly meant to me?

Reply to  Nita
February 22, 2023 10:26 pm

What you said, when your heart is focused on Jesus then your so light inside and its easy to just pour out, even in what seems like tiny ways like washing the dishes. Simply when I’m full of Jesus life is light and its easy to serve.

Reply to  Robert
February 22, 2023 10:28 pm

Yes so so true! 🙂

Reply to  Nita
February 22, 2023 7:58 pm

I can sooo relate! When I’m focused on myself I demand others to help me, but when I fix my eyes on Jesus, maybe at that time I prefer others are not there so I can enjoy alone time with Jesus while doing those practical duties 🤣 I need to meditate on Jesus’ love so that my heart can be filled with peace when I wash the dishes

Reply to  Nez
February 22, 2023 9:53 pm

Thank you so much for sharing, definitely a constant struggle for me in Jesus <3 So much spiritual continuing education everywhere hahah.

February 22, 2023 5:34 pm

Reading this, I am also in tears. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus wants to wash my sins and have fellowship with me. TT_TT

The past two days, with my new added responsibilities has been difficult for me, I found myself so burdened and feeling very angry with everything I needed to do. Then I felt guilty for having such a bad attitude and started to become fatalistic at my condition, “why am I not spiritually growing fast enough??” But the most important priority is for me to come to Jesus and let Him wash me. I am humbled but also, very happy to read your testimony.

In obedience, I can have fellowship with Jesus, wow so simple but so beautiful! In everything I do, especially with my new added responsibilities, I can think about Jesus and enjoy His fellowship continuously. <3

Reply to  TheCryingProphet
February 22, 2023 10:20 pm

Oof it’s tough when there are new duties and challenges to overcome – I pray you can find new strength as you stand on Jesus’ shoulders. Like a wild ox, like a lion!! God trains us through these practical difficulties, you’ll become all the stronger for it. I guess like weight training haha. You’ll feel sore and painful the most after just starting xD

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 22, 2023 10:25 pm

Thank you so much!! TT^TT
Ah yes! No pain, no gain, haha

Reply to  TheCryingProphet
February 22, 2023 9:59 pm

Thank you for sharing your struggles so that we can all be encouraged, wow learning Jesus is everywhere indeed! So glad that you were encouraged through this heartfelt testimony. <3

February 22, 2023 7:29 pm

Dishwashing is shepherd’s spiritual activity 😂

Reply to  remfeng
February 22, 2023 10:22 pm

It really is. Btw open question for anybody, do you guys all use a dishwasher, or wash by hand? We have a dishwasher but it flooded the kitchen the two times we tried to use it…ugh disaster! So now we’re stuck hand washing T.T

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 22, 2023 11:49 pm

Dishwashing by hand is far better. As I scrub there, I do not only pay respect to my wife’s hard work of cooking, but also have time to really meditate how hard God scrub me to get those dirty and sticky things out of my heart and mind. In contrast, dishwasher doesn’t take your time to wash, so no time for a reflection. It takes so much time for my wife to prepare and cook, but i just put the dishes into a machine, that’s unfairness. On top of it, dishwasher uses more water and electricity. So pros and cons, dishwashing by hand is far better.

Reply to  remfeng
February 23, 2023 12:00 am


Reply to  remfeng
February 22, 2023 11:54 pm

Ooh that does make me see it in a different light. I felt like we’re missing out by not being able to use our dishwasher, because it just seems so convenient. Maybe I should be thankful instead that we get to hand wash 😀 Interesting how you consider washing the dishes a sign of respect for your wife’s hard work of cooking. Never thought of it that way before!

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 22, 2023 10:29 pm

we don’t have a dishwater so by hand LOL.

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 22, 2023 10:23 pm

I actually don’t know how to use my dishwasher HAHA. Honestly, I hate washing dishes but I will make it my spiritual shepherding activity hehe

Reply to  Jsheep
February 23, 2023 7:42 pm

“Somehow I need to love it” LOL if you ever develop a love of cleaning the bathroom, you gotta write another blog post because that’s a secret I need to learn in my life too!

Reply to  remfeng
February 22, 2023 9:53 pm

YES!!! hahahah

February 22, 2023 7:55 pm

What a wonderful blog post! The title is 🤣🤣🤣 And the message is soooo practical. Dishes are always there. I will need to come back to this blog post to get a reminder when the dishes start to frustrate me. Also, I praise God for visiting you at that time and making you radiant. What a good and merciful God we have.

Reply to  Nez
February 22, 2023 11:37 pm

Ahaha I can’t imagine a better title, either xD nice play on words, Sam!

Reply to  Nez
February 22, 2023 9:55 pm

What a great idea, where’s the web bookmark? LOL

Sarah L
February 22, 2023 9:48 pm

I bet Shpdss Jessica is the happiest of all ☺️ not only the fact that she can enjoy an uncluttered sink, but because of her fragrant, shining husband!

Clean heart, clean house!

Reply to  Sarah L
February 23, 2023 6:25 am

“Clean heart, clean house!” I think this is wisdom for all husbands. People say happy wife, happy life. But the follow up question is “How to make wife happy?” Definitely not with a messy heart, messy house. But when my heart is daily cleansed by Jesus and then I daily clean up around the house.

This is a golden nugget !

Reply to  Sarah L
February 22, 2023 11:57 pm

🤨 clean heart, clean house 🤔🧐💭 that’s something for me to meditate on!

Reply to  Sarah L
February 22, 2023 11:52 pm


Reply to  Sarah L
February 22, 2023 10:59 pm

Hahahaha yeah, fragrant shining Sam! What you said, clean heart, clean house – that reminds me how my dad once called me out for the messiness of my room. He told me that the condition of my room reflected the condition of my heart.

It’s really true – when I began to clean more, my heart was both a reflection of the clean environment and affected by it 😀

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 23, 2023 12:03 am

Oh man! I got some cleaning up to do! Physically AND spiritually

Reply to  Nez
February 23, 2023 12:17 am

Lol same here! I got home and saw the slowly accumulating mess and I was like…”oh boy…”

February 22, 2023 10:16 pm

Funny title and very heartfelt testimony! Thank you for reminding me that when I am willing to obey Jesus, I can enjoy fellowship with him in a unique way. Our mundane activities can be a personal opportunity to connect with Jesus. When I worked at Starbucks, my regular chore was to clean the restrooms. My co-worker asked another co-worker “why does Berto clean the restrooms at each of his shifts?” The other co-worker just shrugged, no answer. I considered it my personal time to remind myself that I am working at Starbucks because of God and I should work at it with all my heart.(Colossians 3:17).

Reply to  Berto200
February 22, 2023 11:03 pm

Oh that’s so cool, you worked at Starbucks as a barista? That sounds both exhausting with all the long lines…but honestly Starbucks workers look like highly skilled martial artists sometimes with the multitasking that they do haha. Your humble service was a chance to have fellowship with God!

February 22, 2023 10:23 pm

God used you to conquer the kingdom of the sink! Mighty warrior! In all seriousness though what you said was really profound. When we obey Gods command there we meet God on such friendly terms. I’m reminded of a few nights ago when I finished my entire “to do” list. It kept me up till 11:30PM but when I did all I had intended to do and lived as a servant then prayer was so satisfying. Thanks so much for this.

Reply to  Robert
February 22, 2023 11:00 pm

Yes the feeling of doing everything you were supposed to do – such restful sleep comes with that! Also the kingdom of the sink LOLL that’s great!

February 22, 2023 10:34 pm

Honestly dishwashing is a great spiritual metaphor. We can clean the dishes right away when their fresh and nothings too stuck on. Then its fairly easy. Or we can wait a week then have triple the job because everything’s gotten hardened and crusty. Likewise we can come to Jesus daily to be cleansed and just have to wash off us what got on that day. Or we can wait a week and then in prayer we have a real struggle because so much spiritually ugly crusty stuff has to get cleaned off. Its really good to clean nightly, both through washing the dishes with soap and through prayer.

Reply to  Robert
February 23, 2023 7:40 pm

That’s a great metaphor! It definitely reminds me to repent daily, instead of waiting for days or weeks to bring God all my sins. I’m imagining a crusty old heart with lots of hardened goop stuck to it – nasty imagery but very vivid reminder to go pray and repent!

Reply to  Robert
February 22, 2023 10:44 pm

LOL that’s a good one!

February 22, 2023 10:39 pm

Hahaha dish washing – what an interesting topic when we look into the spiritual meaning and lessons we can learn from it! Thank you so much for this beautiful post, Sam – I was especially touched by the part when you discovered Jesus’ deep love and felt like you were swimming in it – I realize that I still have much to learn about Jesus’ love <3

Reply to  Jsheep
February 23, 2023 7:35 pm

Wow that’s so amazing T.T that was the kind of thing that drew me in to studying the Bible in the first place, seeing people weep as they shared their testimonies. It made me think that there was something real in Jesus that I didn’t know about. After having consumed so many fake things and living a fake life, I was hungry to know what this real thing was. Hopefully that sheep remembers your tears and one day turns back to God because of it!

February 23, 2023 6:19 am

(Side note the picture at the top reminds me of the sink at Leo’s common life LOL)

Hi Shp Sam, thank you for your testimony. I worked at the CSULB Dining Hall at the dorms, specifically in the dish room. Oh my goodness, so many dishes to wash nonstop for 8 hours straight! But strangely there was something deeply satisfying about this cleansing process. Yes, I was reminded of Jesus “I am willing, be clean” I was covered in mess like all these pots pans plates etc nonetheless He is willing to make me clean from all my sins. I was so touched and encouraged because of Jesus willing heart to clean me. Then he helped me to pick up a willing spirit to do my job ; so much so I suddenly started speaking in Spanish like never before. My boss and my coworkers were all shocked (maybe also concerned) Anyway, my work of cleaning all those dirty dishes became so enjoyable and exciting because of Jesus’ willing love to clean me.

I see obedience to Gods commands is like jumping into deep oceans of Gods love where I can experience him wonderfully. Like the song “Your love wave after wave crashes over me”

Reply to  HIMorales
February 23, 2023 7:37 pm

You must have been so sore washing all those dishes nonstop D: Also I had no clue you speak Spanish!!!! Are you fluent? God made you speak in tongues hahaha. Imagine if you started preaching the gospel nonstop while washing dishes! LOL

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 23, 2023 8:19 pm

Lol not fluent, just took a few classes in high school. But if its useful to preach the gospel then, Amen!

Reply to  HIMorales
February 23, 2023 8:23 pm

Haha yeah! You have the basics and with the help of the Holy Spirit, anything is possible xD I remember at the ISBC, one of the missionaries shared that he had once accidentally said “leche” in a message, which changed the whole meaning of the sentence. I forget what he had originally meant to say – do you happen to remember? He was supposed to be saying something spiritual. Everyone started laughing so hard lol

Reply to  Sabaaa
February 23, 2023 8:32 pm

Yes, LOL! I think it was the verse “Get up take your mat and go home” but he accidentally said in spanish “Get up take your MILK and go home!”

There might be some profound message there IDK haha

Reply to  HIMorales
February 23, 2023 8:46 pm

Hahahaha yeah that sounds right!!! LOLLL

Reply to  HIMorales
February 23, 2023 7:49 am

Is this why they started to use disposable dishes and boxes…? My… washing dishes for 8 hours…

February 23, 2023 12:54 pm

Thank you for sharing this! So profound and touching. Praise God for his unique ways of reviving our hearts.

I remember when I lived in the common life, I was struggling to love one sister. And then I was reminded of Jesus’ foot-washing love and how he commands us as his disciples to love one another. I remembered learning how this love is not emotional and does not come naturally. Rather, it is the kind that is practical and requires our real struggle. During Bible study, it was said that as you struggle to do something practical for that person, then God can help change the way that person looks in your eyes. I remember the only thing I could practically get myself to do for this person was to wash her dishes in the sink. And strangely, as I did that, God softened my heart and allowed me to see her beautiful qualities. So, I can definitely agree that dishwashing is very spiritual!

Reply to  meliburd
February 23, 2023 11:59 pm

Oof that’s tough – it’s definitely not easy to love people who are different from us, especially when we might be at odds with them over so many things. Thank you for sharing your struggle, cuz I’m having a similar difficulty at work in one particular store. I’m going to try to humbly and practically serve a particular coworker and see how it goes T.T Hopefully God can soften my heart too and help me to see them through His eyes!

February 28, 2023 10:09 pm

Amen. Powerful message and testimony. it was a great blessing to have you as a common life brother. Not because you washed dishes and were wiling to sweep, although it was nice 😊. But it was because if the blessing that came from your service to God. I personally was blessed and continue to blessed by you bro. It is a great blessing to see God working so powerfully in your life and see how much He has done. I pray that Jessica will leave all the dishes for you so that your blessing can grow all the more. God bless you bro.