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I recently saw this piece of clip art and was amused at how well it visually illustrated the support we get from praying for one another.
It reminded me that it is important that we continually pray for one another and our sheep. Sometimes we face struggles and hardships that may seem overwhelming. I know for me personally, I have faced spiritual challenges, road blocks and hurdles that seemed too vast for me to overcome. Maybe I prayed about it and God would show me things, but my Phillip mindset would hinder me from taking that next leap. I felt like the weight was too heavy to lift, the gap too wide to jump. At this point I may have felt that there was no hope.
However, through the support of prayer from God’s servants, the weight was able to be lifted; and the gap was abled to be cleared with the aid of spritual teamwork.

Every week at the campus of CSULB, we have prayer meeting where all the Long Beach State shepherds meet up and we pray for our list of weekly prayer topics. Through our sincere struggle, our prayers have continued to be answered.
I pray that we may keep this in mind and continually pray for each other with the zeal Abraham had for Lot.
Nice picture, Andrew! The power of CSULB prayer meeting 🙂
Very powerful meeting indeed!
Very well said. I remember one shepherd saying that if you don’t pray, then don’t even bother when talking about trying to bear fruit. It can be so easy to neglect or skimp on prayer. But I find that whenever I actually pray, my spirit is refined and its like it creates a buffer between life’s challenges and my inner person. I can still have a heavy work schedule, challenging sheep and issues galore, but my inner person is still full and satisfied, knowing God is with me. Plus the more you pray the easier and more satisfying it is to pray more :). I’m really grateful for the 50 days of prayer leading up to the conference. Its been a blessing even now as we’re just getting started.
Yes, amen. The 50 days of prayer indeed is a great blessing. Good prayer training haha.
I pray that you would rise as a mighty warrior in today’s generation, Andrew! God bless you so immensely. Prayer is certainly powerful and when we all pray for each other we can see great fruits abound inside of us and outside of us. I certainly need prayer, so if any one of you want to pray for me, please do. ^_^
May we all be prayer warriors and see great things occur on our college campuses. May we get to know Jesus Christ through our prayers and come into deep relationship with Him more and more with every passing day.
Amen, I’ll keep you in my 🙏
Thanks brother! Remember this verse when you pray it will help you to believe that you have what you ask for in prayer and to have faith!: “This is the confidence
that we have in approaching God: That if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us
~~whatever we ask~~
we know that we have what we asked of him.”
God will do it!
Thank you for sharing this Andrew. This is a touching message. Sometimes I feel strong in prayer and can shout freely and at that time I seem to be ok like the smiling guy on the firm ground. But other times I can hardly open my mouth because of sin and discouragement and I am like the guy hanging over the cliff. Whenever someone prays for me at that time, I am always appreciative and touched.
Still, many times for me it is not easy to pray for others because I am naturally selfish and my sinful nature thinks what is the point if it just helps others without a guarantee of being helped in return. I am encouraged to do this regardless and remember that I should do to others as I would like them to do unto me. Through the passage on Abraham’s prayer for Lot, Isaac’s prayer for Rebekah, and now this post I am encouraged to pray more for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I even think my salvation was even affected by the prayers of other saints. May God bless you, Andrew!
Yeah I feel you. Praying for others at first didn’t come natural to me either because of my selfishness also. I thought to myself, there is so many issues I need to deal with myself in prayer, I don’t even have space for others during my prayers haha. God however has changed me and showed me so much in this area by showing me so much grace in my life and pray for others freely.
Amen to spiritual teamwork! It really does show the spiritual reality- we all need support; without prayer support, we would have fallen into the hole. Indeed, prayer is powerful and effective, for then we can overcome those big gaps. I am reminded that I am on a team, and one of my duties is to support my fellows soldiers through prayer.
Thank you Andrew. This was really encouraging. This is what we desire our church to be–a house of prayer for all nations. Saying this and living according to it, is one thing. But, I can say that as we continue to grow in Christ, our hearts widen for others in the church, for our sheep, for our family members and friends and eventually to the world. I am glad to have brothers and sisters who pray. I pray that I would continue to push out selfishness and to selflessly offer prayer. May God be with you continually! 🙂
Aww, I’m bummed that I just saw this now! For some reason, I didn’t get a notification in my email that this was posted. I love this picture!! I can definitely relate to what you said about your Philip mindset. Sometimes I underestimate what God can do, and it even hinders me in coming to God sincerely in prayer. But just knowing that I have support from my coworkers on campus gives me strength and encouragement. Thank you for posting this!!
Haha xD no worries. Praise God! Yeah, the Phillip mindset is a battle. But with the Lords help and as you said, the strength and encouragement from our coworkers: We got this 👊
By the way, it seems that gravity is ignored in this picture. In real life, the person on the end would drag the others with him into the hole. Hahaha! The power of prayer overcomes gravity! Yeah!!!
Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. In this example the acceleration is gravity. Before reaching the gap the three people are each carrying 1/3 of the pole weight (Wp), assuming the pole is homogenous with uniform cross sectional area and spacing is at equal distances. Wp is the pole mass multiplied by the gravitational acceleration. At the gap things change. The other two workers must work harder by holding down the pole to counter the moment caused by no ground supporting the first person’s weight or his mass multiplied by gravitational acceleration. That moment computes as (first person’s weight + Wp/3) multiplied by the distance between 1st and 2nd person. This applies to cases 1 and 3. Case 2 has them each supporting half the pole weight and half of the 2nd person’s weight.
Encouraging to see how the first person becomes a smiling supporter for those that initially supported him. None of them appear burdened.
I just saw this comment and my brain started spinning LOL! Your power of knowing how stuff works is…powerful xD
Hahah, that’s true!! Instead of being dragged down, prayer warriors defy the power of gravity!!
Hahaha xD the power of prayer does indeed overcome gravity!
I really like this art clip and your post! “However, through the support of prayer from God’s servants, the weight was able to be lifted; and the gap was abled to be cleared with the aid of spiritual teamwork”: that’s really true!! I am so thankful when I ask other shepherds to pray for me because I cannot fight the spiritual battle on my own. Likewise, I will continue to pray for my precious brothers and sisters!
Yes, indeed, two are better than one. (Eccl 4:9,10) God has established all of us in the church as a dream team for his purpose. We stand together!
Praise God! Prayer support is always the best 🙂